The dirty secret about Uber is that there’s only so much today’s algorithms alone can do to get drivers to riders in under ten minutes. The only reason things get to be so fast isn’t bc of a perfect number of drivers, but an oversaturation of drivers. It’s absolutely required.
What I learned driving & dispatching for a micro-rideshare for 2.5 years is that the second a driver has to handle more than one call, everyone’s trip time skyrockets. It’s not enough to match every rider to a driver. Even the most efficient pooling won’t get wait times that low.
Even if you do by some miracle manage to scoop up a queue of riders in diff places, the odds that someone will be stuck in your car for an hour are HIGH. If the match isn’t 1:1 more or less every time the entire system will become so clogged that it’s unworkable.
This more than anything else is why this model of rideshare will never work, by the way. It depends on a reserve of drivers so large that everyone will struggle to make as much as they need to within the system. Nothing will change that, not laws, the algorithm, nothing
Uber and Lyft are fundamentally parasitic enterprises that are being propped up by billionaire investors for the sole purpose of manufacturing consent to just absolutely annihilate workers’ rights forever. That’s kind of it, really.
The only way a rideshare could properly cover its costs while paying the fair price for the labor involved would be if it actually ran something like how Uber claims their system runs, where the community and workers own and control the profits. Anything else is a scam sorry
Anyway this is probably old news to most of you but in case you don’t know now you know. efficiency is fake
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