*Thread* Since There's still delusional idiots like this who keep insisting that China isn't colonizing anyone. Let's just look at one example of the Nuosu People of Liangshang, which is part of the present day Sichuan Province. (1/6) https://twitter.com/ultratweet__/status/1308269307005034497
Prior to 1950, Liangshang was sovereign indigenous territories of the Nuosu people. It has been inhabited by the 5 Nuosu Tribes for hundred of years. Unlike the Han, Nuosu Tribes were largely decentralized, with an unique focus of family lineages and clans.
After PRC took power, the Nuosu people were lumped together with a few other people groups and became the official recognized as "Yi". At the time, the PRC deemed "unsinicized" minority such as the Nuosu people as the most "backward".
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