Libra Season

Here we are, the equinox and of course the Libra season we have all been waiting for. And to be honest balance will be harder to find than ever. Now does this mean that the world is ending no. Does this mean every human will struggle and unravel no. Let me explain.
There is pressure during this Cardinal Air transit, plain and simple. We have all the squares with Mars Rx in Aries hitting Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter. We get the Sun in opposition to Chiron/Lilith/Mars/Eris of course creating T squares to the Capricorn stellium of our lifetime.
What does pressure create? Diamonds of course, and this is a once in a lifetime destiny call your soul decided to part take in. On one hand we all want to move forward with our lives, and what we want to achieve. On the other hand we are being asked to look at relationships...
And how we can push forward together. How can we create harmony in a world that is already so split apart, be it politics, race, gender... You name it polarity is peaking at all time highs. But is the battle actually within ourselves? Within our own programmed triggers?
With the way most humans were taught to play the game of life from the moment they were cognitive? We are all a product of a failing structure or a structural re birth better yet. We as individuals need to look through the matrix and play this game from a higher perspective.
On a collective level many are going to fall victim to the game that is dying. There are going to be intense battles of beliefs with this South Node in Sagittarius. The true key is looking for facts, bridging gaps, seeing the other side without judging it and throwing...
It off a cliff. This is the ultimate time to find balance in your life but it ain't by playing the game that is being played. It's about figuring out how to start your own game. Find harmony within. There are some great aspects taking place Jupiter sextile Neptune for instance.
The expanse of our spiritual gifts, the expanse of bringing spirituality to the new game. This truly is a spiritual war and a big test that many of the people reading this are here for. And with Neptune squaring the Nodes the whole time destiny could be in a fog. Clarity within..
not clarity outside.

I want to shout out @theleokingdom and @MichaelErlewine for this Helio perspective, David was who brought this to my attention through his horoscopes, and he in turn shouted out Micheal. and I want both of them to get all the credit for this.
I am no pro with Helio but it fascinates me. From the Suns view all the planets are on one side of our Galaxy. There is a massive void on the other half. Our Galaxy is lopsided and not that it's out of balance, but it is in a way. And so it was designed to be in this time.
We can not fill a void like this with anything other than our heart. And by actually trying to see the other side within ourselves.

This is going to play a big role in the Libra season search for balance and harmony. The more you fall victim or play victim to the matrix...
The more stuck in disharmony you will be. Take justice for your own soul, because that is the only one that you have any control over in this reality. Wild times are likely to manifest and it's up to you how you will find love and peace in this huge energetic shift.
I truly love you all, I wish you nothing but the best, and may whatever manifest help you evolve further as a conscious being on this planet.
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