#WalkAway "In 2016 my husband and I were both liberals. He was a Bernie Sanders delegate and wanted communism, yes actual communism. He read the communist manifesto once a month. I didn't consider myself a full communist but was definitely a liberal. We were both political

people. We thought conservatives only cared about the 1% and they didn't care about the actual people. We believed only liberals cared about others. We remember feeling genuinely upset anytime Donald Trump would speak.

After the 2016 presidential elections we would watch

conference/speeches of President Donald Trump. We felt this man was going to destroy average Americans, we needed to stay up to date on what he did. We found ourselves constantly defending him, even thought we hated him, after reading news articles. We would say "Hes terrible

but he never said that." Some of our friends and family would repeat the lies the news reported. When we attempted to have discussions regarding what he actually said, some of them became angry. We thought they wouldn't in so much pain if they understood the media was

fabricating a story, but it didn't matter. Some of them would have an instant emotional response and didn't want to hear what actually occured.

In our sons school system we voted for an armed security guard to be present at the school to help keep the children safe. One of

our best friends yelled at us for our decision and stated we want children to die. He then blocked us on facebook.

We continued to watch the news create false stories while some our liberal peers accepted it as facts. It's like they wanted these terrible things to be true.

Why couldn't they see what was actually occuring? We continued to educate ourselves. We slowly started to say "He actually said this.." without adding "but he's still a terrible person."

The hypocrisy and lies the left is involved in is very upsetting. I used to just be

upset with the media for causing all of these issues. At a certain point it's up the people to look at facts. Americans should be able to have different political views and have discussions without calling each other names.

The more we viewed statistics and facts, the

less liberal we became. We couldn't make excuses to be liberal anymore. We are now proud conservative and will be voting Trump 2020." - A. 🇺🇸

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