The world is hard

so I'm going to spam your feed with beautiful things.

Take heart. Enjoy.

Andrew Scott reads Edith Sampson and together they take. us. all. to. SCHOOL.
The *ENTIRETY* of the 1985 original cast production of The Gospel at Colonus.
The *ENTIRETY* of the Малый театр 's 1999 re-mounted production of The Seagull (ЧАЙКА)

(^^the whole production is worth it for the way the actor playing Konstantin EMBRACES Nina starting at 2h18m36s...I tagged the link below at the precise moment... )
. @jamesearljones COUNTS TO TEN on @sesamestreet.

*7* is a GIFT.
Archimedes the Owl almost dies laughing in the peerless "The Sword in the Stone"'re welcome.
Carolann Page sings my personal favo(u)rite aria
from @HellTweet's NIXON IN CHINA

Do yourself a favo(u)r and listen to the entire thing in one sitting.

I don't know that it has ever been more inexplicably poignant and chilling...
This clip from @AmericanDadTBS, is me every time someone asks me "Have you seen this episode of Murder, She Wrote...? ...I... was... jsut asking..."
In my 2nd-favorite clip from THE WEST WING, (my now-pal, lucky me) @Richard_Schiff and @DuleHill assist Martin Sheen's 'President Bartlett' as he calls The @Butterball hotline.

[If only... ya know...these were our current concerns but I digress...]
Spoken Voice GODDESS Patsy Rodenburg explains The Second Circle and all I can say is WE ARE NOT WORTHY
Danny Kaye in the CLASSIC "vessel with the pestle" scene from THE COURT JESTER.


(PS this is the film where I discovered and began my obsesh w @_AngelaLansbury)
... Good Lordy loo you can learn about me from this thread...
[In a clip first shown to me by @patrick_vaill late into the night over much wine and merriment...]

Miriam Margolyes discusses meeting Sir Lawrence Olivier on the @grahnort show.
You can follow @alsilbs.
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