5 horrifying ways enslaved Black men were sexually exploited and abused by their YT masters..


The raping of enslaved Black men was as prevalent as the raping of enslaved Black women, however, the issue of enslaved men as rape victims was undiscovered due to the fact that men were generally shy to voice out that they had been raped by male merchants/ their owners.
Aside from being shy, the issue of enslaved men being raped was not believable because many of the men that raped them were married or had several girlfriends.

This form of sexual abuse was very popular in the Carribean and it involved YT supremacist and slave owners as well as merchants raping a male slave in front of the public to embarrass him and make him feel less of a man.
Buck breaking became very popular when slave rebellions had increased.

Enslaved Black men were first stripped naked and flogged in front of a crowd after which they were raped by a YT man to serve as a warning to other slaves.
On several occasions, enslaved men with families were forced to have sex with each other in front of their family or were raped in front of their sons. Many enslaved men who had gone through the process of buck breaking killed themselves afterwards or run away and never returned.

At breeding farms, healthy and strong enslaved men were forced to have sex with women to get them pregnant. The YT slave masters did not care if these women were the mothers, daughter or relatives of the men and the men were made to have sex with at least
..6 women a day to increase the possibility of the number of women who got pregnant. Pregnant women meant more slaves💔
Breeding farms became a lucrative business especially in South America and created the term ‘mother f*cker’ which literally explained a male having sex with his mother. Many enslaved men who were the heads of breeding farms died of sexual exhaustion..

Enslaved men were castrated or sexually mutilated as a form of punishment. These acts were also done to take away any form of pride of an enslaved man.
Enslaved men who were often the leaders of a group of slaves on a plantation or a rebel group were castrated and called women to show the YT man’s dominance.

Many YT supremacists, wealthy merchants and aristocrats often used enslaved men as a form of sexual entertainment.

Enslaved men were often made to line up naked for their sexual organs to be scrutinised, laughed at and discussed.
They were also made to dance naked. In extreme cases, an enslaved man was made to forcefully have sex with an enslaved virgin to entertain the YT viewers.
Evil and depravity is in their DNA..

Scientists have shown how slavery and hardships that our forefathers had to bear is imprinted on OUR DNA.

Now think of what is in THEIR DNA..

YT people have consistently been showing y'all exactly who they are.

Start believing them..
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