How much is your vote worth?

In 2018 nearly 1.5 million Missourians voted to reform campaign finance and legislative redistricting. "Clean Missouri" passed with 62% of the vote - nearly a two-to-one margin against gerrymandering.
The amendment created the position of Nonpartisan State Demographer who would re-draw districts to be fair, contiguous, and compact. It set a $2,500 limit on campaign contributions and clamped down on unlimited lobbyist gifts.
Now on the 2020 ballot comes Amendment 3. Banning lobbyist gifts and reducing campaign contribution limits still sounds good. You might vote for this, right? More of the same?
Except the 2018 amendment already capped the lobbyist gifts at $5. And the 2020 amendment only lowers campaign contributions to $2,400. And wait, was there another bullet point to read? Right, just this vague bit where we go back to gerrymandering:
The sponsors of this amendment bet you'll sell away your 2018 vote for $105. Tell them to keep the change; vote NO on Amendment 3.
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