A country can’t survive when arcane rules overwhelms democracy, putting a minority party in power that abuses its position.

Dems had 12 million more votes for Senats than GOP in 2018, and lost seats.

Hillary had 3 million more votes than Trump and lost..../1
...GOP won 49% of the vote for house but received 55% of the power in 2016. Democrats won 48% of the vote, but walked away with 44% of the power.

This would not be so bad if the GOP had integrity, recognized that it represents a minority in this country. Instead they abuse...2
...power, shoving their petty power plays down the throat of the vast vast majorities of Americans.

This is how revolutions occur. And this is why @SenFeinstein is completely wrong about the filibuster. If the minority is going to abuse the power it obtains over the...3
...majority simply because it rules without integrity, and then the party representing the majority does nothing to recognize that we deserve a government that doesn’t spit on us, that doesn’t defund us, that doesn’t cheat us. And if you expect us to keep taking it...4
..if your going to continue to make it we dont only have to win big, as we always do, but we have to win explosively big just to win a little - if dems don’t want to fix that, then get out of the way because citizens start marching with pitchforks and torches for far less.
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