4. Felix is a merc and Annette keeps escaping from dominic (in a non-AM route) and her uncle hires Felix to find her and bring her back several times over the course of many years... this one would probably be steamy lmao
5. CF route where annette goes undercover as a spy for the kingdom and the only one who knows is felix
6. AU where Edelgard doesn't attack right away so everyone graduates normally, Annette gets arrange married to a general from the Empire and she shows up in Fhirdiad one day because she overheard Imperial plans to attack
7. AU where Annette has trained as Cornelia's pupil instead of going to Garreg Mach and she has to decide who to side with when the coup in Fhirdiad happens
8. Roommate AU featuring richboy Felix, who gets thrown out of his mansion and cut off after a fight with his father and finds himself subletting a room from Annette, who's desperate for a roommate since Mercie moved out last month
9. This is stupid but I wanna do an AU where instead of Byleth and that whole thing Sothis is reincarnated in Annette and she has mysterious powers and fun stuff like that. Slightly inspired by atla tbh
10. Modern AU where Annette has a random radio show or podcast or something and Felix falls in love with her voice and then he happens to meet her on the street and he immediately knows it's her
11. Bakery AU where Annette and Mercie have a bakery/cafe together (soooo original, I know) and Felix comes by every day for a cup of coffee even though he can get plain coffee anywhere else (because he loves her)
12. 20s speakeasy/mob AU where Annette is a mediocre singer and Felix is the Blaiddyd family's right hand man

You'll notice that most of these don't even have plots, I'm sure I'll think of something, eventually, but the little details are fun sometimes
13. Modern AU where Annette lives in the same neighborhood as Felix and she walks past his house on her way to work and she always plays with his cat
14. Vampire AU where Felix is a half vampire/vampire hunter and he's angsty about it. But it's from Annette's POV because they're in love.

I wrote a little bit of this and Dorothea is the slightly scary vampire queen of Fhirdiad and she and Felix are on good terms. It's fun.
15. My pokemon AU where Felix is a gym trainer and Annette is a Cafe owner and he's pining for her. I think about this sometimes when I want to relax and think about something cute
16. Modern AU where Felix and Annette are in college together when Glenn dies and Felix starts failing all his classes and Annette notices him and takes it upon herself to tutor him and keep him from failing out of his semester
17. Sort of cinderella AU where Annette wants to go to a ball in Fhirdiad and Gustave won't let her and he'll be there at this ball so she has to disguise herself to go. Felix falls in love w here but can't figure out who she is and he tries to find her while she avoids him
18. Modern AU where Annette is a closet organizer and Mercie is an interior decorator and Dorothea hires them when Ingrid moves into her fancy townhouse. Felix is there to help Ingrid move furniture and he falls in love with her and redoes his house as an excuse to see her
19. Netteflix arranged marriage AU where they've been engaged since childhood but Felix backs out after the events of duscur. Annette hates him after that and he doesn't care but he meets her as an adult (while her uncle is trying to arrange another marriage) and falls in love
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