I’m about to get to where I’m not debating on skin color of biblical figures . Especially Christ. Because if you can’t do research and line it up with scripture. That’s on you. Some of us had no problem worshipping a white Christ. It’s exhausting .
But we learned . And now that we’re talking about it, it’s an issue. I’ve never seen Christ get so much slander until more brothers and sisters came into the truth. It doesn’t matter yet a specific group of people has been persecuted since forever because of this. Yes, faith —
And repentance is the most important. But we can’t ignore facts. You’d never understand world history if you don’t understand the history of biblical figures. It goes way back to Isaac and his twins. It’s an ancient hate. Throw all that away and it’s all senseless.
I’m not going to debate anyone on this, here. Like why is it so hard for people to accept a black messiah?😂 better question, why does racism exist????????????????
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