If you're one of the hundreds of people unfollowing me because one person said I was a terf, let me just say: I'm not a terf. I believe in freedom and love and protection for everyone. I focus on class because it is neglected and it is key. That's all. Goodbye if you're going.
I will say this:

- I believe gender is a social construct that should be transcended. However, I will respect your pronoun and your truth and fight for you.
-I am very disappointed at how easily so many dismissed a woman of color without a second thought. I have spent a majority of my life in Pakistan where my experience has crafted a feminism and gender politics that does not align neatly with what's going on in the states
- If we are to ever succeed in a politics of liberation, we cannot be so quick to paint folks with strokes of black and white. You can continue to think the worst of me if you'd like but please don't do it to someone else. Listen, learn and teach with an open, compassionate mind
- To my trans friends and followers: I will never seek to cause you or anyone else pain. That is not my way of doing things. I may have some intellectual disagreements with the movement but I take no pleasure or have any interest in dismissing or hurting you
- To everyone else: my politics are class first and internationalist because the majority of the world's people continue to live in squalor & want & I will always, always, always center those people in my politics. I have & will continue to do so with love and compassion for all
And now I will take my break from twitter because it can be quite an assault on one's mental & emotional state to be despised so readily by so many. I wish you all well and hope we can engage with eachother in the future with warmth and an effort at creating mutual understanding
You can follow @aishaismad.
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