When I finished my undergraduate degree I was faced with a choice: go to graduate school and pursue a PhD or go to law school and pursue a JD. I chose science. (1/13)
I joined Twitter over a decade ago now. It initially served the purpose of promoting a stupid New Year's resolution to write a daily weather blog post to my website. (2/13)
My presence here has evolved. I have picked fights with others (including many in media) to make myself appear smarter and better ... only to learn from my mistakes and realize that I was stuck in an ivory tower. (3/13)
I tried to engage with people. To re-evaluate my positions & statements. To step off the pedestal I put myself on & listen. When people criticize me or my employer, I try to listen & take that feedback to heart. Some days are easier than others. (4/13)
But I try. I try to give everyone the opportunity to be heard and provide them with courtesy of a thoughtful response. (I have not been perfect in this regard.) (5/13)
Generally speaking, the Twitter community is receptive & has been useful to be a part of. I learned a lot & hopefully was able to give back. Twitter used to be an escape for me ... Out of the daily grind & into a community of weather geeks. (6/13)
I cannot place it, but something's changed. No longer is Twitter an escape for me. No longer is it fun. (7/13)
Twitter, and more generally society, regularly now demonstrates that the way to make a name for yourself and get ahead is not through the hard work of being an expert and developing expertise, but rather being loud, forceful, or a contrarian. (8/13)
It does not appear collectively we appreciate science/expertise. What we seemingly appreciate is science/expertise affirming our priors. For a deeply idealistic person, this is hard. (It probably says a lot more about me than anything else.) (9/13)
Over the last few years I have found myself increasingly questioning my choice of science over law. In a poor attempt to combat this, I plan to spend considerably less time on Twitter moving forward. (10/13)
I hope to focus more on what (little?) I can do to make my (little?) sphere of influence a better place. I hope to eventually bring back my blog and increasingly put my thoughts there ... but life has a funny way of getting in the way of things. (11/13)
I don't really know what any of this means. I am not looking for sympathies or the like. I share this simply because my hubris believes I should explain my (possible? probable? likely? increasing?) silence. (12/13)
Will I follow through? How long will it last? Is this 2020 talking? Will the Braves once again win a World Series on a shortened season? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just needed a core dump tonight. (13/13)
You can follow @pmarshwx.
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