To be honest?
Can we be honest?

Idk but some of y’all don’t need to be into the occult, spirituality or none of it. Some of you can’t handle it.

You don’t know how to judge or discern things for yourselves.
Everything puts fear in your heart.

Just leave it alone, it’s okay.
I get it, the community and what comes with it is really cool. Crystals and chakras and energy woooo!

But then you can’t seem to pull yourself away from trying to know the future, and that’s what gets you fucked up. Now you’re in a constant state of panic & ur blaming us for it
Even as an astrologer, I do not check transits everyday or consult the stars for every move I make. I live my life on chill.

Like Mani said, we are not God.
We can try to help people but our word isn’t law and at the end of the day it’s our own interpretation.
Point being, I think some of you need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves if you have a healthy relationship with spirituality.

Is divination something you can REALLY handle?

It is okay to let it go.
There are other ways to find balance in your life.
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