White writers, even "progressives", truly aren't prepared for more critics of colour in the industry hey, or what it means for more black and brown people in leadership positions. Like, many of us hold radically different positions to you politically, culturally, and artistically
On some level, everyone knows this, it's why y'all have resisted including us for so long. The change will be felt.
Jessie Tu's "mean" review shows that. She took aim at straight white culture and labelled it boring and uninteresting, which seems to have shocked and enraged many white writers and readers lmao. I'm embarrassed for all of you.
Why were any of you surprised by that? Have you been on Twitter at all? Lmao. The interiority of cis middle class Anglos has truly been exhausted. Even if there weren't more critics of colour, you would surely have to be doing something very special with language to rate.
Maybe you disagree, and that's fine. Of course the act of reviewing or judging speaks to the critic's subjectivities and biases—we've been trying to tell you this for years. That's why we want to be included! We're fucking bored! We want more interesting literature, period.
FTR this isnt about either writer or the review itself but the broader issues revealed in the mix. There's going to be some rough spots along the way without having good BIPOC leaders and editors to guide emerging writers, and even then the results will likely shock white readers
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