Steve Jobs was wrong, the stylus is superior to the finger. Haptic feedback frames how u interface with a device; the finger, organic & crude, frames the phone as extension of bio-self rather than a utility machine-tool, making u more likely to idly browse feeds unreflectively.
On the other hand, the sharp staccato feedback of a keyboard & precise, economical movement of the arm with a low sens mouse instills a minimal reflection before interacting, to resist the unconscious entrainment of gamified digital interactions.
Everything you need to know abt the relationship between haptic feedback & behavioral reinforcement can be discerned from the design of slot machines.
Older slots used to be lever-operated, newer slots have buttons & touchscreen controls; taps of the finger.
Remind u of anything?
Lower barriers to input result in lower barriers to entrainment. Slot machine levers created a delay between impulse & action, resulting in reflection and an awareness of the finality of pulling the lever. This sense of discernment must be cultivated, u must become an aesthete.
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