can people who love tros and are vocally defensive of it just not do the "i don't even care what the haters think! here's me subtweeting the hate about tros and talking about why it totally doesn't bother me, i don't give af" thing, it comes off really disingenuous
because if you're talking about how something doesn't totally bother you and you don't indicates that it does bother you, in some way, otherwise it wouldn't be something you tweeted about. it gets a little obviously defensive after a while
and i know it might feel better to seem unaffected and like you're just blissfully enjoying your sw and flouncing on the haters, but it's ok to sincerely like something and be open that you don't like criticism of it or that it touches you personally. that's fine?
i still tweet about tros or talk about tros because it was something that affected me and i still have strong feelings about it, and i think about how i grew up on sw and leia my hero and compare that to my current thoughts all the time. it's just ok to admit that imo?
"look haters at how much i don't give a shit" just calls attention to how much you *do* give a shit. and it's ok to have an emotional reaction to criticism of something that you love or enjoy, even if it's just for a sec. i just don't get the "performatively not caring" thing ig.
(and yeah, this thread shows that i do care about what people say/do in sw fandom particularly wrt tros, because people being hypocritical and aggressive over others not liking a sw movie and comparing good faith criticism to reactionary harassment *seriously* bothers me.)
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