tw: sexual assault/rape
I am so vocal about holding abusers accountable and speaking out for victims of sexual assault bc the one time I should’ve, I didn’t. when I was 17 years old and my life was barely starting, I stayed quiet.
when the authorities asked me not what had happened, but why I was intoxicated, I stayed quiet.
when I was offered the option to go to the hospital and be looked at by a doctor as if I was some sort of specimen, I stayed quiet.
when a man almost double my age put his hands on my body while I could barely hold my head up, I stayed quiet.
but now I’ve found my voice and I won’t stop using it to help other victims and shine light on a topic that I am sick of tired of staying quiet about.
and if that makes me “fake woke”, stay unfollowing, stay blocking. I couldn’t care less about people who enable predatory behavior.
I’m tired of seeing people “cancel” random abusers, and act supportive of victims but then turn a blind eye to their predator friends. keep the same energy bc rapists are not only the ones hiding in alleys with chloroform and zip ties. they’re also our friends, brothers, and sons
stop demanding proof from victims. when recounting traumatic events, our mind tends to become a jumbled mess and we tell so many different versions of our assault. god knows I have.
that doesn’t mean we’re lying. that doesn’t mean we’re making it up. coming forward is an act of bravery and we don’t deserve to have our trauma dissected by randoms on twitter who are suspicious.
oops I kinda messed up on this thread but
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