Those of you who, unaccountably, still believe your Govt is being straight with you, might wish to know how many people in U.K. die each day of various cancers.
It’s about 450.
Re covid19, we’re closer to the end that the middle. It’s completely implausible that any
....”secondary ripple”, which is what the minor re-emergence amounts to, will be even a fraction the size of the likely death toll of the average seasonal influenza outbreak we’re about to face.
Does it not bother you that the CMO/Chief Scientist are lying to you? It does to me.
To think that 32y ago, a young medic & a fresh faced post-doc researcher both worked at the now closed Wellcome Research Labs. Pat Valance & Mike Yeadon were their names. We both conducted research in the frontier field of ‘endothelial-derived relaxing factor’ which was soon...
...proven to be nitric oxide. Pat was performing ground breaking work on control of blood flow by NO & chemicals which modified this biochemical pathway. I believe he used his own forearm as one of the test beds. Mike was, with two others, the first to discover & quantify...
...that mammals breathed out NO: Mike was one of the subjects.
The two researchers enjoyed reasonably successful careers, both in various pharmaceutical companies. Pat rose vertically & became head of research at GSK. Mike specialised, heading respiratory research at Pfizer,
...before becoming an entrepreneur (Ziarco).
So, Pat: how has it come to this, that the dynamic, clever young medic I knew (& admired as well as being slightly envious of) has morphed into being a political tool used by others? I know that you’re quite aware that what you are...
...part of - whatever that is - has pursued policies that will, in due course, be judged as having been the most catastrophic public health mistakes in U.K. history. Tens of thousands of innocent people have died non-covid19 deaths. And you’re about to do it again. Next time...’re shaving, please look into the mirror. Are you at ease with the extent of suffering, pain, death & awful bereavement that has, and continues to visit upon millions of innocent families? You shouldn’t be. If you genuinely believe that continuing restrictions, including... the NHS, which will inevitably add further to the death of tens of thousands of innocents, is in some way is “a price worth paying”, then you appall me. I’m willing, at any time & mode of communication, to discuss this trade off. You’ve certainly not bothered to explain,
...let alone to debate or to justify what’s happening. The only science which is being followed has its roots deep in the pre-enlightenment era. I would relish an opportunity to debate with you what you’re doing. I would share my thinking, much of it building on that of others.
My conclusion is that the best path forward is to immediately halt all Pillar 2 testing (because as deployed it generates results most of which are false positives), protect, to the greatest extent possible, the lives of the highly vulnerable, then lift all the restrictions..
... imposed from the centre & cautiously get on with rebuilding our lives, relationships, education, economy & the NHS.
Pat: I don’t know what your role is in all this. I feel that I’m living in an Orwellian world with all the hallmarks of an abusive relationship between...
... unelected officials & our citizenry. As you ramp up the needless fear, the useless mask mandates, the fantasy ‘circuit breaker’, already proven not to slow transmission & all the way to grotesque threat of no mixing of households for six months, I recognise this for what... is: gross misuse of power & coercive control. There is still time to change what you’re doing. If you can’t persuade others, I urge you to resign as the only chances you have against a lifetime of derp guilt which, over time, I don’t think you’re going to be able to bear.
You can follow @MichaelYeadon3.
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