Our "Gods" don't care whether or not we worship them like an Abrahamist does - bending their knees; prostrating themselves - because our Gods are in Nature; in its cycles, in its natural laws; in the Wind that blows in a winter morning and the hawk that flies above.
The lessons we have to learn from our Gods (from Nature) are bestowed upon us by the Gods themselves.
That is, the rules of Nature are everywhere and are unescapable.
Learn them! Live by them!

Act honorably toward Nature/The Gods.
He who is honorable will pass it on to his descendants...and will get it back upon his RETURN.

For once again, NATURE IS CYCLICAL!
Thus, The Gods will always be here - and so are we!
Oh, how nothing like us is the God of the Desert is from us!

Oh, Jew, Christian, Muslim... Try and stop groveling and sniveling before Him and you shall see how quickly He will leave you behind.
You are useless to Him unless you worship Him.
He DEMANDS your suffering; your pain.
Like a demon, He demands your sacrifice...
And threatens you with eternal suffering unless you do as He commands.
Yet, you believe He is a God of Love...

Oh, how bizarre are the worshippers of the God of the Desert!
Go on...bend your knees, Abrahamist!
Fear your God!
Be judged by Him!

My Gods and My Ancestors only ask me to STAND UP.
My own actions will be the judged of me, for I am He who reaps the Honor I sow.
I carry with me the Honor of My Ancestors, not the "love" of some Desert God!
Go on! Be dissolved by your Demon God of the Desert, as you become One with Him in the demented "heaven" He's created for you.

That is, only if you bend over, snivel, grovel, admit you are nothing, suffer and are willing to even sacrifice your children for Him.

In the meantime, I'll keep MY ORIGINAL ESSENCE.
The essence of my ancient ANCESTORS and of my kin.
For, just as Nature/Our Gods, WE ARE ETERNAL.

Thank you for reading this rambling thread!
There was meant to be a COMMA here...
"Our Gods don't care whether or not we worship them, like an Abrahamist does..."

If there's no comma, it looks like "If we worship them like Abrahamists or not, that's alright for Them".

That is not what I meant to write.
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