I managed to make it to the 20th with going into the red ink on my bank account.

since it's the 21st....

Where did $ go, you budget hawks (who tell me to learn to code) ask?

dental procedure partial payments.



you can access my bank statement for >
low monthly fee of just replacing capitalism & eradicating the idea that disabled people should just be poor, ill or (preferably in the eyes of some) dead.

Because inevitably, the money I get from the constant GoFundMe drives, the constant requests for retweets? it doesn't
go into some Scrooge McDuck-esque vault of gold for me to dive into, or even my bank account (see 1st tweet.) It goes into the receivables account of my dentists/doctors who don't put it all into their pockets either, it goes into their OWN medical & dental school repayment. +
Dental insurance isn't insurance as much as it is a %20-% 30 discount off the bill, which is currently at $6,000.

but back to where my money goes? Rent for our 3 bedroom is about 1,600-1,700 a month depending on utilities which the apartment complex figures out based on >
(UNKNOWN FORMULA. At least they send us the utility bill for what we owe a company called "Conservice")

which ACTUALLY is cheaper than the "average" for this area ( as decided by 500 people I guess)

and 48.68% cheaper than New York's average but what are the income ranges?
anyway my head really hurts. thanks to my cerebral palsy and the dyscalculia im pretty sure my CP caused i cant do numbers or really, good word-makings now. Please. this is not a plea for money. I'll try to come back to this thread later
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