Gonna share some positivity.
So this happened the other day. Not a life changing event for me but a lovely tip of the hat and an honour uncommonly bestowed on rural educators. It feels good but wanna know what feels better? [a thread]
This whole academic promotion process has been going on for a year. I would never have known how extensive the process was until going through it. A portfolio is built by the department with your CV, personal statement, evaluations from colleagues and learners etc.
You also get 2 referees who have at least the designation you’re nominated for to write significant referee statements. I chose @RobAnders1 and @arunsayal1 as mine. They are brilliant, dedicated, passionate and think about medical education and how to make it better constantly
Delayed by COVID, I didn’t hear much for a while. Eventually faculty affairs compiled and submitted my portfolio and I was given the opportunity to review it, including the statements of my 2 referees.
Years ago I wrote a letter for an undergrad prof in support of his nomination for a big teaching award. He didn’t win but he wrote to tell me that getting to read my letter to his son made him far prouder then winning the award would have made him.
Now I know how he felt.
The timing couldn’t have been more fortuitous for me. I was struggling in the midst of COVID/BLM/general 2020 shittyness. Burnt out and for the first time struggling to find joy in my work. Reading their words reminded me that I love to teach and in part, that’s what was missing
Hearing my mentors and role models in medical education glowing words, that they see me as one of their own didn’t just bring tears to my eyes, it evoked a cathartic ugly cry that was exactly what I needed. It helped me get my head in the game and get me back to doing what I do.
So thanks to @McMasterFamMed for the nomination, McMaster for the honour.Thanks to @AKHallMD @Jomadden67 for work supporting my nomination and especially thanks to @arunsayal1 and @RobAnders1 for inspiring me to try to be great and for giving me a lift when I needed it most. 🙏🏾❤️
Now more then ever, be kind to be people, tell them when you think they are great, be patient when you think they aren’t. Inspire others to be their best selves and pay it forward when others inspire you.
You can follow @GuscottJesse.
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