Joined Twitter in Jan. & has more than 26,000 followers from posting her nude photographs all over the internet & occasionally tweeting half-baked spicy anarchist takes. Her followers lap the whole hot left-wing gun girl brand up because leftism in the US is an aesthetic project
I'm not calling her out personally but it irks me that so many tireless & disciplined journalists & activists are struggling to find a platform despite the seriousness of the subjects they focus on. If you really want to coast your way to the top the message is: sell your nudes
I didn't say she is an op nor that her goal was simply to sell nudes. But I'm curious what message people think it sends to show women that if they want leftist men to listen to them on Twitter they better show some ass?
Getting backlash over these tweets. Had a mutual reach out & ask me to delete them. I won't unless someone demonstrates they actually caused harm. The mutual asked me to expand on my position, so I will. I won't be defending myself against attacks I'm an incel/women hater etc
First if Merrick has gotten any rude comments because of what I tweeted, I'm sorry. I haven't seen that. But I think that a lot of men are angry at me because they like to use pornography to feel close (sexually) to a dollar store revolutionary aesthetic and I exposed that
I tried to make my critique about actions. The actions of Merrick's choosing and the consequences they have. And the actions of the left in relation to her, and those consequences. I perhaps failed in that but I never made any personal insults, and have received quite a few
Some women have also said I am "slut shaming." But I have never criticized anyone for having too much sex. What I have criticized is the use of porn to gain a platform on the left, and I have criticized the left even more harshly for creating a culture which enables that
Others have said "well, sex sell." As if that's news. And as if that makes it ok for the left to perpetuate the commodification of women's bodies.
More broadly I am critical of the term "sex work." I believe it is used to paper over the class differences between people who identify as "sex workers" & women who sell their body because of capitalism. Lumping these things together is harmful for women of the latter category
Everyone I have encountered in the real world who says they are a "sex worker" does not actually have (or have to have) sex for work. Very different lives from those I've known who do. The left's mainstreaming of "sex work" is neither helpful to women nor for building socialism
"Are you going to complain about Pornhub next?"

Talk about showing your ass
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