i feel like i speak for a lot of au authors and creatives when i say a the longer we need to self isolate and live in this situation, the more difficult it becomes to work on literally anything creative. it's such a task to get myself to write, even though i want to do it (+)
i have stories i want to share with you guys and it makes me sad that i haven't posted stuff for so long. but the words which used to come so easily are now so stilted. i used to use every spare second to write, and now if i don't literally force myself to it doesn't happen.
i'm seeing a lot of other authors say similar things - they're struggling with being creative, they WANT to write, but the process just isn't happening.

if you're an author that's going through this, i want you to know you're not alone. it's not just you.
and it's not your fault that you can't produce work or feel the same drive to create as you did before. your brain is trying to deal with an incredibly difficult situation, and you're going to have only so much extra energy. your needs and desires are going to change.
and as for readers, please be patient with authors. don't ask when updates are coming. don't unfollow just because a writer hasn't posted anything in a month. don't shame us for not creating content. we're trying harder than i think many of you realize.
this post is also an incredibly long-winded way to say i'm trying to work on new stuff for your guys, but i feel like hours of work is barely any progress. i don't know how to fix it. i hope things get better soon.
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