Anarchy is not chaos.

Anarchy is self-governance absent oppressive hierarchies.

Anarchy is self-governance based on cooperation rather than coercion.

Now ask yourself who is invested in you thinking the above is chaotic?
Anarchy is what happens every time you and your people make decisions about your best interests without putting anyone "In charge of decisions" or anyone making threats against anyone else.

You have literally been engaging in anarchy your whole life.
Anarchy, like authoritarianism, is an approach to group decision-making.

With authoritarianism, group decisions are ultimately made by those who can threaten others most effectively.

In anarchic communities, group decisions are made by considering everyone's input.
Those who confuse anarchy with chaos tend to do so because authoritarianism is the only approach to large group decision-making they have ever been taught is valid.

They have been presented with a false choice.

Authoritarianism or chaos.

It's an easy choice.
Anarchism by its nature cannot coexist with authoritarianism and vice versa.

The rules of one make the other impossible to accomplish.

So those groups will always be in conflict.

But since anything that isn't authoritarianism is chaos, so is anarchy.
Authoritarianism has a neat hidden trick built in. Since everything it does is to "prevent chaos" and everything its opponents do is to "incite chaos," this means that death and destruction on a large scale is "order" however chaotic.

Any damage by opponents though, is chaos.
As much as people would like to sensationalize the idea, at its core, anarchy simply asks the question:

What if the answer in society to 'Why should I do this?" wasn't always "Because if you don't, someone will make sure you or you loved ones suffer or die' ?
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