This is going to be a bit of a rant

Catching up on the days events

HUGE criticism of the young people who attended the rave & there is a good bang of classism off most of it

Let’s be clear: any event be it a golf club in Clifden, a rave in Oliver bond or a big house party (1)
(2) is something we need to avoid due to the potential for a “superspreader” event

BUT let’s be clear

The majority of young adults ARE keeping the rules the majority of the time & we should be applauding them for it a lot more than we are
(3) young people have been disproportionately effected by covid

Many lost their jobs

Those in college are having a virtual experience that is so much less meaningful than what in person is in every sense

They can’t socialise & meet new partners or friends as easily as before
(4) they are doing so much right so much of the time

The reason covid spread is so high in working class areas is NOT because of parties

It’s because of social inequality

It’s because many essential workers who kept bread on our tables, meat in our fridges & businesses clean
(5) during lockdown work minimum wage jobs, living in cramped “co-living” shared accommodation, dependent on public transport all of which make it harder to maintain social distancing & more likely to contract the virus

Instead of rushing to condemn others many of us need to
(6) check our privilege

The burden of covid-19 is not shared equally

Those of us who live in houses with gardens who can drive to work: it is easier for us to keep the rules

And we should be striving to reduce social inequality so that all have a living wage & safe
(7) working conditions not virtue signalling every time someone messes up

This is hard

All of us find it hard

But some people are carrying a heavier load & thus will mess up more

The rest of us benefit from our privilege & need to use it to make society fairer

Ends rant
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