Thinking heavily about Troy Davis today. The state of Georgia murdered him nine years ago today. People often reference Trayvon murder as the beginning of Black Twitter mobilizing against injustice, but for many of us, Troy Davis was the beginning.
"In that moment, I could feel the devastation ripple across Twitter. We contemplated what it meant that all these people could act in unison and still not save one life, and what it meant to be at the mercy of the criminal justice system." @MoreAndAgain
I truly believed we were going to be able to save Troy. Deep down I still had some hope that the state couldn't be so unjust that they would murder this man after all the attention we brought. Troy's murder pushed me to question the structure of this society.
While Troy's murder was a loss, it was not a complete defeat. For some of us, it pushed us towards opposing the death penalty, thus setting us on a path towards wanting to abolish police, prisons, and the entire PIC.
It also showed us that we had power to elevate issues to an international level. Though it may have been too late for Troy and others, we knew we could some effect change through this space.
If you would like to learn more about Troy. I suggest checking out this book by I Am Troy Davis.
Also check out this article
Sending all my love to Troy's family, especially his sister Kimberly who I had the pleasure of spending a few moments with back in 2014, and his sister Martina who passed away just a few months after Troy's execution.
You can follow @SankofaBrown.
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