Pts w/ cirrhosis ⬆️risk of post-op☠️
Currently available 🔧to predict post-op risk are suboptimal, dont account for surgery type #GIJC

Use population-level data to derive and internally validate novel cirrhosis surgical risk models #GIJC
- Retrosp cohort study using data from VOCAL (128 US 🏥 merged with VASQIP) to identify 🔪procedures.
- Multivariable logistic regression to model 30, 90, and 180-day post-op ☠️
- VOCAL-Penn compared to MRS, MELD,
MELD-Na & CTP scores. #GIJC
- 4,712 surgical procedures in 3,785 pts w/ cirrhosis
atients with cirrhosis.
- VOCALPenn models were derived and internally validated with 👌 discrimination (30-day postoperative mortality C-statistic=0.859).
- VOCAL-Penn models substantially improve post-operative mortality predictions in pts with cirrhosis.
- Use in clinical prac for pre-operative risk stratification and optimize patient selection ( http://www.vocalpennscore.com )
5/6- Predictors included age, pre-op alb, plt, bili, Sx type, rubin, emergency, fatty liver, ASA, obesity
-Model performance was sup to MELD, MELD-Na, CTP, and MRS in terms of discrimination and calibration #gijc
- Data set largely ♂️ w/ ⬆️psychosocial issues
- Do not address modifiable risk factors pre-op TIPS or BB
- Because of nature of study, pts who didn’t receive surgery were not included (skewed towards low risk pts)
- No external validation #GIJC
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