hi i hate doing this but. Our kitchen sink has been backed up for a month, our electricity/water is set to be turned off on oct 1st, AND now our oven/stove just stopped working lol. We cant even make rent. So if youd like to send a little my way on cashapp id be very greatful
we've gone through so many bottles of draino on the sink and the landlord refuses to get a plumber bc the first one he hired didn't fix the problem. We're doing our dishes in the bathtub lol, and now we cant even cook food because the stove isn't working.
i feel horrible asking for money like this but the stove/oven turning off was a breaking point and im just panicking now. Im so stressed and tired i just want to break down lol

I currently do not need any more assistance!!! I just recieved a super generous donation and im genuinely speechless right now. Because of this our electricity should not be turned off. Im going to link some other ppls cashapps below, donate to them instead!!
If you need assistance or know anyone who does, drop the links below and ill put them onto this thread
You can follow @c0dienescene.
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