My 1st period lit up with the small group work today. Everyone, and I literally mean everyone, turned in their assignment and each group shared out in the whole group.
I'm sharing after feeling completely disheartened last week. It took me about 8 hours of prep work this weekend, but of course I do it so my kids are successful and happy during school. I wish it had been easy and didn't require hours of unpaid labor.
It's so manipulative that my district knows I will put in the unpaid labor to have a good class so they can save money on the products that make it easy to do my job.
I'm happy my students are happy. But I shouldn't have to work this hard & spend thousands of dollars worth of my time to make it so. It's the corporate looting of labor that no one wants to talk about.
@SeaPubSchools, are you going to pay me for the extra 8 hours I worked this weekend to work around your incompetence?
It's in the strategic plan to retain educators of color, right?
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