those things you do are normal - a thread
it's normal to accidentally refer to yourself with the wrong pronouns. especially when you're newly out, it can take a while to get used to referring to yourself with your new name and pronouns. it took me months, you're not faking anything (cont)
and it can pop up randomly too. even years into your transition, it still happens to me sometimes, and it's okay.
it's normal to LIKE being trans. being trans is not a curse, being trans is not bad, being trans is good and beautiful and you should like it and be proud of it. liking being trans is okay, you're not a "trender" for not hating yourself or not hating being trans.
it's normal to like your body. your body is NOT a burden, you can like your body and not push the idea that you have to hate it to be a 'real' trans person. your body is not bad or weird because you're trans, your body is just that. your body.
i'll say this one again, it's NORMAL!! to have to get used to referring to yourself with a new name or set of pronouns, especially if your pronouns are fluid or change sometimes. your brain gets used to using one name/set of pronouns and getting used to others can be hard.
this is kinda short and whatever but feel free to add things if you feel the need :] i just made this cause ive been asked about these things by newly out trans people before
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