Genuine question... why do TERFs think TERF is a slur? Is it the trans exclusionary bit, or the radical feminist bit? Cause I’ve seen a bunch of them describe themselves as radfem, and I mean their entire aim is to exclude trans women from women’s spaces so..? 🤷‍♂️ #uktransrights
I have more questions for TERFs.

If you think trans men “should have been lesbians”, how do you explain the fact that a huge proportion of trans men are gay (ie. attracted to other men - in case that needs to be clarified...)?
Another Q4TERFs.
If sex is biological, & gender is social; why do u insist on using your idea of biology to determine language/rights in SOCIAL circumstances? Do u feel people up before deciding their pronouns/rights? Do u get chromosomes tested?
It’s predatory & weird, ladies.
I have another Q4[ableist]TERFs

Apparently u know ALL detransitioners. What proportion are autistic?

I think you’ll find, actually, the majority who destransition are NT. Which implies it’s NT people you should be more concerned about... but really it’s none of your business.
Another #Q4TERFs

You claim trans people try “erase women”. Considering cis women make up ~.5 worlds population, and that intersex people make up ~.017, how are you ok with trying to erase intersex people (far more oppressed & fewer rights than cis women) when we talk about them?
You rage over damage CIS detransitioners experience for THEIR mistakes...

Why don’t u rage about the damage caused to TRANS people when they’re FORCED to go through the wrong (natal) puberty?

The result is the same (actually worse for trans folks- structural changes)
This is actually another #Q4TERFs who use this image.

What’s your justification for being disrespectful to a religion? Especially in a way which, one would hope, JKR wouldn’t condone? And if she did - do you really want to associate with someone who considers themself a god?

You frequently make claims that comments/organisations are not transphobic.

If you get to dictate what is/isn’t transphobia, by your logic can men dictate what is/isn’t misogynistic? Can het dictate what’s homophobic?

...Or is it only YOUR opinion that matters?
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