nah it doesn't hinge on "contempt for states," it hinges on "the electoral college doesn't actually accomplish anything it is supposed to accomplish"
it doesn't give place of pride to small states, it doesn't enhance rural representation, it doesn't act as a filter against unfit and dangerous candidates for president, it doesn't enhance the legitimacy of the winner — it does none of it!
the only thing it does is give a substantial boost to whichever candidate happens to do well with non-college educated white voters. that's it.
yes, this is a fair point. right now the efficiently distributed coalition is the one with the largest number of non-college educated whites, but that may not always be true in the future.
and also, breaking up california would help with senate malapportionment but it would mean very little for the electoral college, since each mini-california would have a proportionately smaller number of electoral votes.
the little problem with this bit of folk civics is that 6 of the first 10 presidents were Virginians and that 12 of the first 16 came from the most populous states.
and as i keep saying and saying and saying, the electoral college advantages competitive states not small ones, and it is mathematically impossible in this moment for someone to become president exclusively through votes from the largest states.
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