From ABC of Communism by Bukharin; some important notes. Keep in mind Bukharin influenced Lenin to move away from Kautsky.
On the DotP, Bukharin Emphasizes the dictatorship aspect as being 'strict' and suppressing the capitalists. It's not a form of government that just chooses to not let the boujees vote
He talks about how the DotP as a means of production specifically given to the workers, rather than the common people due to classes still existing then.

he uses classes in a way many disagree with to show the two different classes in the DotP;
- state class and workers class
Bukharin uses the capitalism > DotP > L and H communism (socialism+communism) terminology. As illustrated by this quote. The lower stage being one gets based on work and then the higher stage being one gets based on need. So when he says communism he means *both stages*
He goes over the traits of communism;
1. organized society, with no anarchy of production, run under a general plan
2. classless society, no exploitation
3. social ownership by the *whole of society*
4. The erasure of the life long division on labour, common under capitalism
He then goes further on to how the distribution of communism would work;
1. no more markets (ultra moment)
2. no more commodities (leftcom moment)
3. no money

Recommends a way of doing it;
- store products in communal warehouses and deliver the needed stuff to people
He denies that nobody would take more than needed, because why would they? There is no incentive to do so.

This is also where he emphasizes the stages of communism and how it would change

He also critiques the notion of communism being 'gaining the full value of one's labour'
He then goes on to how the administration will work under communism. He makes it clear due to there being NO classes there then must be NO state
What would replace it as Engels, Lenin also say is an 'administration of thing'/'non-political state'/'statistical bureaux'
He also points out the ending of laws and punishment in the communist society
He attacks the notion that communism is radical egalitarianism and how these things would be impossible and would just recreate divisions in society
He attacks anarchism, not due to their lack of state (they share this trait) but due to the decentralization of the means of production which to him would push back society, not forward. He questions why they would be against liberating humans from nature.
Its important to make it clear that anarchists still dislike the DotP in terms of how harsh the DotP would have to be at times
lastly, I feel like this important to point out due to the peasant dominant revolutions that occurred and what they led to. Bukharin talks about socialism to the peasantry
I forgot to add this but he also states this must be international.
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