It's a fetish that is directly responsible for the red-brown sentiments that just drench the dirtbag left at this point.

It's organizing 101 that you focus on the "yes"es and the "maybes", not the hard "no"s.

Dirtbags glorified the hard "no"s, and now they've poisoned the left.
One extremely telling thing I noticed with all the Chapo fuckwads were swamping me with poisonous misogyny was how many of them would say "I was 4chan right and Chapo pulled me in, how dare u, Chapo is growing the left" and pair it with misogyny and ableism
What the dirtbags and especially Chapo really did was pull reactionary 4chan dudes into their orbit and sell them a version of leftism that allowed them to keep their sense of victimhood and their reactionary hatreds while assuring them they were The Good Guys
They doubled down on Jacobin's class reductionist bullshit, used it to justify a new vision of the left that revolved entirely around bringing in and reactionary white dudes and placating them, and billed themselves as saviors for the effort.
Jacobin and DSA reinforced that project and treated them as honored celebrities for that bullshit project, even as they used that celebrity to push out, mock, brigade, and marginalize women and POC organizers who had been in the trenches for years and even decades.
They made experienced, skilled organizers out to be evil "gatekeepers" when we warned about the dangers of centering the new wave of reactionary white men entering leftist identity.
They kept centering and placating those dudes and reassuring them that they were allowed to be racist, sexist, ableist pieces of shit because capitalism had been mean to them and they were the REAL victims, the most important protagonists in class struggle.
And as Jacobin and DSA and Chapo defended those guys' right to enter left spaces and spout reactionary sympathies with fash, they created a left climate where synpathizing with literal fascists became accepted as a core practice.
That's what this incel story is about, that's what Chapo hosts gleefully posting Nazi memes and recruiting incels is about, that's what Aimee Terese is about, that's what TrueAnon and Cumtown are about.

That's what the class reductionist left is about now.
It's happening at the worst possible time, and it's on us to fight it tooth and nail.

The left is the last firewall against fascism, and that wall is Swiss cheese right now.

It's embarrassing, and it's dangerous.

Don't tolerate this shit.

The end.
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