carats, are you excited for seventeen's comeback? there's a tough competition this time, but still our biggest competition is ourselves. we have records to break, however it would be nice to still give svt many wins since i hate seeing them attending music shows, being nominated+
and losing. music shows aren't everything, but we all know how important they are for boys. they spend so much time on practicing so we have to try our best to repay them. faz and @SmileFlowerTeam will upload details about donations for youtube mv ads in following days that will
help us gain more views and promote mv to non-fans. it's the best way of promotion and we need many views, considering how popular the groups are that have comebacks around the same time as seventeen. that's why please, if you consider donating for projects to raise mv views
donate for youtube ads, they are a lot more effective than streaming on loop. of course, donating is not the obligation, you can donate if you want to and you can donate as much as you can since there's no required budget for youtube mv ads
obviously bigger budget is, the bigger campaign we can make, but it doesn't mean you have to donate a big amount, no, i believe we can raise a lot with small amounts of money from many carats since i believe many of us have bigger priorities than this. don't feel obligated to
donate if you can't do it and don't force yourself to do it, there are many other ways of supporting svt this comeback. sorry for tweeting here about this, i felt like it was important since i really want it to work out. remember to follow @SmileFlowerTeam for more updates - 🌸
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