4. Yena's popularity won't be good for EVERGLOW

Yena is one of the most popular members of IZ*ONE. EVERGLOW will evolve from Miaglow to Yenaglow, and that will make a lot of fans unhappy. Not everyone is keen of her joining, from both sides. (...)
(...) On the one hand, Yena stans will get mad if she doesn't get the lines/screentime she deserves, since she will be carrying EVERGLOW.
On the other hand, Forevers will get mad at her for taking parts away. It will be a toxic relationship. (...)
(...) Sure, EVERGLOW's sales will skyrocket and they will become more successful, but that isn't worth the price both sides have to pay. It would only be good for Yuehua.
5. EVERGLOW's music won't showcase her talents

I know a lot of Forevers changed their mind about Yena joining after the Gangsta cover, but that's only one side of Yena. She rocks cute concepts too. EVERGLOW is only about *wearing black* boom-boom-someenglishwords-boom-boom (...)
(...) She wouldn't be able to showcase her beautiful voice either. EVERGLOW's musical variety is very slim, and of course could they increase it, but I doubt they will, since YUEHUA sees that that girl-crush-EDM-BP2.0-sound kinda works.
6. Contract extension is plausible

WANNA*ONE got an extension, and I think IZ*ONE will too. Corona really fucked them, so I wouldn't be surprised if they agree to a one year extension to hold their world tour and to participate in end of the year award ceremonies.

Let me get this straight: I don't have anything against the EVERGLOW members, they are all lovely girls and Yena gets along with them well. It's the group and company as a whole that I don't like.
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