Technically, although it is beyond human decency, GOP has the constitutional authority to nominate a new SCOTUS pick even before RGB's funeral, and confirm quickly. BUT this shows not just hypocrisy, but that the GOP spat on the Constitution by refusing to consider Garland.../1
...and that they could do it only because the Founders never imagined that there would be an entire political party with zero integrity and zero respect for the foundations of the country. They never imagined that a party would search for a loophole - that the Founders had to...2
...write the Constitution with the specificity of the tax code to account for every bit of dishonesty an unAmerican political party could dream up. Nor did they consider that there would be voters who would put up with spitting on the Constitution. I *have* to believe that..../3
...there are GOP voters out there for whom "winning" is less important than Constitutional fidelity, integrity, honesty, and ethics that are not situationally adjusted. I *have* to believe that there are GOP voters who are horrified at the lessons being taught their children.../4
...that is, that no amount of dishonesty, immortality, or betrayal is more important than getting what you want. Hell, how do you tell a kid that it is important to be honest with their spouse when they WANT an affair with the woman down the street? Sure, it's a betrayal, but../5
...that's ok. You can violate your vows (the GOP is doing it here, & the GOP voters are cheering), you can lie and cheat (just like here), you can ignore the very thing you pledged to honor (just like here with the constitution) so long as you get a judge/an affair. I *have*.../6 believe this matters to *some* GOP voters. I have to believe that there are *some* GOP voters who believe that people who are dishonest and demonstrate no constitutional fidelity are underserving of office..../7
..But I fear I may be wrong, that "winning" is all that matters to GOP voters, no matter the price, no matter the damage, no matter that it authorizes the same "Constitutional loophole" hunting by Dems - which, no doubt, it will.

To sacrifice our nation for a Justice is obscene
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