What these pronouns-in-bios “communist” LARPers want isn’t Marxism, it’s woke capitalism, woke imperialism, woke colonialism, woke wars, woke oppression.

An -actual- class-based Marxist movement would push their identity politics to the side, and that -fucking terrifies them-
They are nothing and nobody unless they have the ability to file themselves into little boxes that give them the loudest voice and greatest possible social capital.

Oppression is an aesthetic to them, not something to be combatted in the only way it can be: Broad organization.
Remember the G8 protests? Early Occupy Wall Street? The WTO riots? You had people from every possible socio-political background working together against a common enemy: Big banks, big globalism, big government, big money.

The collective “little guy” doesn’t exist anymore.
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