Generic IPO tips,a answer to all the FAQs (a thread)

1. How to maximise your chances of allotment?

If unlike certain ‘HNIs’ you feel it’s not fiscally responsible to take loans of 1:99 to your capital,apply from multiple DMAT accounts under retail category.
2. How much to apply?

As the IPO market is red hot,all of them are going to be over subscribed. Whether you apply for one lot or 10 lots,when it’s oversubscribed the retailers are alloted the minimum possible lot(ie one lot) on a lottery basis.
Why not the HNI route you ask?

As the HNI allotment is on a proportionate basis,ie the amount you apply divided by the subscription multiple.

ex I apply with ₹ 15 lakhs,the IPO is oversubscribed by X100, I’ll be alloted 15 L/100= ₹15,000 worth of shares.

(HNIs take loans)
Just saved you ₹1100. Donate it to the fighters fighting at the frontlines instead. Peace. ✌🏻
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