#ALTGameboys' did so well that its impact triggered a number of followers to question the correctness of #EffeminateGay representations in the media.

Did @theideafirst_co falter?
Is this even significant?
Is there such a thing as 'certified' proper representation?

Proper representation of a person, thing or entity in all forms of media basically entails portrayal of someone or something in a particular way or as being of a certain nature.

With #Achilles' unveiling in the series as an effeminate gay... was there justice in his portrayal?
Creative production processes are bombarded with tons of limitations and numerous considerations at the top of it. Time-constraints & deadlines, prod finances, available options, etc. YOU WORK WITH THE BEST THAT YOU HAVE.
Demographics is another issue. A nation with more or less 90% conservative Christian roots is tantamount to rarity of available effem and/or openly gay actors who can be casted to play Achilles' role. We have tons of 'pamintas' but, can they even play the part?
Proper representation boils down to efficacy. Who said it's gender-based? Because it's an effem character doesn't mean it has to be an effem actor. NO.

It has to answer these 2 questions:

1. Was it executed realistically?
2. Was there a connection established with the viewers?
In recent recorded media, two great examples come to mind in terms of proper representation (straight actors playing gay): Jared Leto playing a tranny in DBC and Sean Penn playing the great effem Harvey MILK. They both took home an OSCAR. Again, IT GOES BEYOND GENDER.
That said, I'd really like to take this space now to commend @KychMinemoto_'s exceptional acting as Achilles. He did so well that many people who weren't familiar with him thought he is gay. Not overdone. Just right and definitely NOT A CARICATURE.
With all the socmed hullabaloos that already happened, I only wish for one thing: ELEVATE A HEALTHY DISCOURSE versus FIRING SHADES AND DIVISIVE COMMENTARIES. This pandemic brought this community a gift: this BLs. Our stories are now out in the open. Why waste time in cat fights?
Our community has already crossed the Rubicon. It's only a matter of time... In the words of Sir @junrobleslana:

"Perhaps there are things we seek that are further down the road for us as a community. But as long as we lift each other up, I know we will get there one day." ✌
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