This appears to be correct. The CDC now claims the aerosol guidance and airborne confirmation was “draft” language posted “in error”:
This. Is. Outrageous.

@CDCDirector Redfield, you are destroying trust in the CDC by engaging in these clearly political manipulations of scientific information.

Here’s a screen grab of the airborne and aerosol language before the CDC pulled it:
I didn’t get my own screen grab.

Because it had been reported by the CDC, CNN and the WaPo, I thought the information was securely in the public sphere.

I won’t make that mistake again.

Well, if you needed proof it’s airborne, consider the CDC retraction the proof you need.
The Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a truly Orwellian nightmare.
To be clear:

The research has pointed to airborne transmission for many months now.

But the confirmation from the CDC should be—and would have been in the past—a critical data point used to shape national health guidelines.
Despite everything, I’ve tried to maintain faith in the CDC.

Although I’ve been reading primary source research pointing to airborne transmission for months, I’ve accommodated my warnings to my followers to take into account CDC reticence.

That’s over.
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