Black Slavery Myths Debunked

Claim: Every civilization had slavery.

FACT: “Slaves were NEVER chattel until recently — NEVER in world history were slaves considered chattel until MODERN times.”

— Dr. David Neiman

“Even during Hamarabi’s rule slaves were recognized as human beings, not cattle, under Hamarabi’s rule we have evidence from antiquity of slaves suing their masters and wining a judgments in court.”

-- Dr. David Neiman
Biblical Slavery vs American Slavery

“Slaves were bound to their masters, you could purchase a slave (Torah mentions this with regards to paying debts, slave is paid, must have a certain living standard) ....
.... but they were always recognized as human beings and had real recognized rights.”

— Dr. David Neiman
Historical Context: American Slavery in Comparative Perspective
Facts About African Kings & Slavery

Most slaves sold by African chiefs were WAR CAPTIVES (other tribesmen). (cont) 

There was representation of slaves, freeborn and the nobility at the royal court in most African states. (cont) 
"Earlier coerced labor systems in the Atlantic World generally differed, in terms of scale, legal status, and racial definitions, from the trans-Atlantic chattel slavery system that developed and shaped New World societies."
Transatlantic Slavery Documentary -
Professor Eric Foner on the difference between slavery of the past, and American slavery
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