It’s 12MN here in the PH. Care for some *really specific* DAY6 questions? Tag @day6official in your QRTs.
When you were just a casual fan, what DAY6 song lyrics you can’t get out of your head?
Which DAY6 members’ body part keeps you up at night?
What is the oddest thing any of the DAY6 members did in your dreams?
Not to hate, but what thing any of the DAY6 members did or said turned you off a little bit?
What particular moment made you want to change biases in DAY6?
Which DAY6 pairing you have ZERO feelings with?
Rank the DAY6 members from 1 (highest) to 5. Why does your #5 rank last?
What color/s do you associate to each DAY6 member?
Were you ever close to unstanning DAY6? If yes, what happened?
Which among the DAY6 members you’d least get along with?
If you could hang out with your bias in DAY6, where would you take them?
What object would you gift to your bias in DAY6?
If all of the DAY6 instruments are up for sale, but you can only buy 1, which would you take?
What movie you’re sure Jae and/or Wonpil would cry over if they’d seen it?
What food would you definitely cook with Young K for Sungjin?
If you would have a shared pet with Dowoon, what would it be, and what would you name it?
Which DAY6 M/V set would you like to check out?
If you’re to direct a DAY6 M/V, for which song and what do you have in mind?
F*ck, Marry, Kill: The Book Of Us albums?
Staycation with JaePil, gourmet trip with SungBri, or learn how to play the drums from teacher Dowoon?
What DAY6 song isn’t your cup of tea?
Any DAY6 fact you love to gloat/flex?
If you could switch the title track to any DAY6 album with any of its B-sides, what would it be?
Superior month during the EveryDay6 era?
What concept do you like to see DAY6 try? 🤩
Favorite thing about the MyDay community? Dreaded thing?
Wish for DAY6? ✨
Good night, kids. 💗 Stay safe always.
You can follow @notfinenotfine.
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