Okay so I've done this before but it was like waaaay last year. So here we go. A list of Black and POC classics cause apparently we've hit on the "I don't read classic because..." part of the book twitter cycle. Let's advertise!!! >w<

Classic Lit by Black Authors🥁
Langston Hughes, one of the greatest thinkers who inspired many blacks to passion with just his words and is synonymous with the Harlem Renaissance! if you don't know what that is, its a source of a lot of black classical lit and poetry and music. My rec https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35031086-not-without-laughter
this is enough to get you started, but there are many more and I will do a Classic Rec for POC when I'm not attempting to get out of bed. But please make sure that when you say you "I don't read classics cause whiteness" you understand that it is an erasure of our hard work and
our artistry. If you prefer, say you don't read classics by white people, but we are in an era where "Classic" should not be synonymous with "White." We've come too far for that. If you have any other suggestions, pop it down there. and I'll do others later. >W<
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