looks like microsoft has decided that video games need to go full netflix as quickly as possible, right down to the rapid industry consolidation part of the equation
consolidation generally leads to... more consolidation, so microsoft’s recent round of acquisitions is probably just the beginning
games are different than TV in that (outside of pc), there have always only been a few viable platforms through which to reach audiences, but having those platforms directly decide what gets greenlit will almost certainly lead to a less vibrant, more monolithic creative culture
then there’s the issue of how developers who don’t get purchased by microsoft, sony, etc will make money under this new model (assuming it becomes the default). still a lot of question marks around that, but once again, big companies will have all the control and leverage
wouldn’t be shocked to see things play out sorta like netflix’s early days: lots of funding for cool ideas until the model is entrenched. then companies suddenly pull funding, and a bunch of beloved games/studios fall by the wayside
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