Our sources allow us to do the quick independent journalism major outlets like the @courierjournal ( @MattGlo ) won’t do. Here’s another example‌ @GovAndyBeshear’s admin investigated itself & concluded that it did nothing wrong! 😃 1/8

In fact, despite @GovAndyBeshear being the head of the Executive Branch & HIS appointees being at the helm of offices such as UI, it was determined that @MattBevin is to blame! You can’t make this garbage up. Actually, YOU CAN, & the @courierjournal will publish it! 2/8
Okay, now for what @MattGlo & the @courierjournal didn’t include. Let’s take a look at the “Inspector General of @KYTC, Maryellen Mynear,” & ask a reasonable question: “Can she “conducts a full & independent review?” The following info should peak a journalists interests. 3/8
Mynear is a KY Democrats & Beshear loyalist. Some might say political hack. Her resume screams it. She worked in the Attorney General’s office under corrupt Dems like @StumboForKY & then Jack Conway for 10 yrs. Then she was appointed by Steve Beshear to @CHFSKy for a short...4/8
...time from 2014-15 before becoming Assistant Deputy AG for @AndyBeshearKY when he was AG. Since @kyoag cleaned out the political leeches from that office, @GovAndyBeshear found her a position with @KYTC & had a perfect lackey to go to for an “investigation” like this. 5/8
SURPRISE! Like others (I.e. @MuncieMcNamara & wife, those awarded no-bid contracts) Mynear invested 1000’s in political contributions to @GovAndyBeshear & KY Dems‌No biggie, though, right @MattGlo? Fox writes a report about hen house, & y’all run w/ it. No questions asked? 6/8
Tell us @courierjournal ( @MattGlo) is this story now considered dead? Have you wiped your hands clean of any responsibility to report on it? Do you care about your credibility? What can we expect next on this story? How can cronyism be a common theme & you not question it? 7/8
Why do we constantly have to do your job @courierjournal? You should report in-kind contributions to KREFF for carrying water for KY Dems & covering up their schemes. We DARE you to prove you’re not a complete waste of paper.

Perception = 📰
Reality = đŸ§»

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