Ladies, let me tell you something that I learned a while back.... associating with BLACK dudes who speak poorly about BLACK WOMEN, but praise you as “different”, or “not like them”... is damaging to your growth and mental state.
You sit in silence knowing you can not be HONEST about who you are because these FOOLS hold the ridiculous notion that THEY determine if a woman is worthy of whatever treatment. So now ya throat chakra is closing up & your carrying unnecessary shame.
There’s no trust there b/c they’ve put you on an unrealistic pedestal, and now to open your mouth about anything that they “disagree” with is met with “I didn’t think you were like that.” Fuck them.
Or worse, YOU being to put yourself on an imaginary pedestal and instead of making genuine connections with other BLACK WOMEN, y’all start competing over dudes who usually don’t have shit to offer but MEDIOCRE DICK AND MIGRAINES... 🤔
I personally, have YET to meet a STABLE black man who talks shit about BLACK women alll day, especially when it’s the SAME shit they praise Latina women for. 😒 The “fire”, the “attitude”, or whatever other shit their self-loathing breeds in their brains.
Hearing that shit should TURN YOU OFF, it should PISS YOU OFF, because you are A BLACK WOMEN... no exceptions. And as soon as you come off the imaginary pedestal to live your HUMAN EXPERIENCES, you’ll become bitches or “black females” as they so “respectfully” put it.
They do/say the disrespectful shit that they do because it’s in THEIR character to do so. It’s in THEIR mind to do so, it’s who THEY are... it has nothin to do with us. Leave that shit alone, those boys are DAMAGED, and they’re just damaging you.
I, personally, don’t associate with ANYONE who speaks poorly against Black women, but especially not dudes who came OUT of one. How fcking DARE you? Not in my presence. And I check every BACKHANDED complement that others me from my sisters.
ALL BLACK WOMEN deserve to be treated with HUMANITY. It doesn’t matter what they have going on. Unless they’re out here living dirty in the SAME WAY we negatively judge men i.e: stealing, killing, abusing... the WTF are we even talking about?
DROP THEM. CUT EM OFF. Expeditiously and Unapologetically. See how much more love and light enters your life when you love people who love YOUR people. You’re welcome.
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