Not sure if anyone has noticed, but this article mentions the UK airforce deployed planes in response to Russian jets heading into our airspace on both the 12th and 14th of September.

The dates @BorisJohnson is reported to have flown to/from Perugia 🤔
More info on the 12/09 event:
More info on the 14/09 event:
Potentially also worth pointing out Johnson's holiday to Applecross, Scotland is almost directly West of the UK's Northern most RAF base at Lossiemouth.

(However, also worth noting here that Lossiemouth has temp relocated their QRA response to Fife)
The relocation of planes from Lossiemouth to Fife occured on 20/08 - the same day that Johnson had to return to London from his Scotland trip.

This relocation of planes means jets have to be Scrambled from Fife in the South, as well as hangars/space in Lossiemouth being vacant.
Might all be entirely coincidental, but the information is here if not 🤷
After Boris flew back from Perugia on the morning of Mon 14/09, later that day his private jet flew from Oxfordshire to escort & mid-air refuel two Russian supersonic bombers, which were also being escorted by planes organised from the airforce base closest to his recent holiday.
(Seeing updates that it wasn't Boris flying to/from Perugia.

If that's true, everything else above still applies and may still be relevant.)
Some additional info on the Vespina (Boris's private plane mentioned above)
- It was refitted in June
- On 09/09, it was questioned why the plane wasn't used to bring back UK defense secretary from Estonia diplomat, as a troop transport plane was used instead.
Weird how often Boris Johnson's private jet was also scrambled to intercept Russian planes in Scottish airspace 🤔 one week after the above refit was complete.
Taking a massive punt into conspiracy theory territory here and I know it will sound ludicrous, but:

The paint job story is a cover, the plane was actually modified - most likely to allow the air-to-air refueling system to transfer other items.
Our government spent a million pound to repaint a plane during the middle of a pandemic because it will promote our country better when the elite are taking trips around the world?
To those who've been convinced by the update that it was actually just Tony Blair. The originally statement said that Tony Blair arrived before Boris Johnson. Don't rule it out yet.
Note also this report from the Times today that puts their timelines in the city as:
- Tony Blair Sep 8 - 11
- Boris Johnson Sep 11 - 14

As well as pointing out the Lebedev connection, which everyone should be keeping a very close eye on.
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