Even though most people want you to think that it's "no days off" and the "grind don't stop, you need to take time for yourself and unwind.

Like most of you, I've been guilty of saying them myself.


They keep you pushing when you want to stop and put you in a winning mindset. However, self care is also reaching its peak and these can both be unhealthy.

Let me tell you why
Others see self care as:
- The bar every weekend
-Spending their money on material goods
- Just being lazy

I see self care as:
- Working out
- Eating health-consciously
- Getting adequate amounts of sleep

I live my life in my way of self care, so I can indulge periodically
This weekend I went away with my girlfriend and my family to camp.

I disconnected, ate whatever I wanted and enjoyed some beers around a campfire.

Since this isn't my normal routine, it serves as an escape not a setback.

It's important to separate these two things.
Too many of us get caught up in the grind and get burnt out.

When this happens we revert back to old, unhealthy habits.

It becomes a never ending cycle that never leaves us feeling fulfilled.

We need to do our best to understand these feelings, channel them and avoid burnout.
Yesterday I came back reset and hungrier than ever.

Many can get caught up in this lifestyle. I use it as my version of self care.

We all look at this differently but I think that it's important to separate healthy and unhealthy living.

How would you classify your lifestyle?
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