I was shocked today to discover that the idiots who still support Brexit are active in the "Covid-19 is "exaggerated" / "fake" / "a conspiracy" / "nothing to worry about" message boards.

There is a thread of stupidity running through the UK right now.
I took a look because I have been commissioned to write an article on those who still support Brexit. The disconnect with reality is astonishing. On more than one occasion I have read abut the "EU virus", a concept that it was created to "punish" the UK for leaving.

I joined a few groups under a suitably 'patriotic" identification and immediately saw the underlying delusion that is at the heart of the Brexit project. The belief they have won something, although none of them seem quite able to articulate what that win is.

This often combines with absolutely no understanding of the actual nature of how the EU works or what it does Several live in either Spain or Portugal, they like my former neighbours hold the EU responsible for their loss of FoM,

"loser vengeance" said one genius earlier today
One poster, who I will call Ian (because that's his name) lives in Spain where he has been for five years. He belongs to the local Brexit Party affiliate, is "disgusted" with the way Brexit has gone and thinks the UK should,

"Use the Royal Navy to teach that EU lot a lesson"
Another mouth breather lives for six months of the year in the Algarve. ("for the golf"). He's formed a group with fellow 'ex-pats' to make clear they expect nothing to change for them. He's annoyed the Portuguese are ignoring him,
"Being difficult" he says.
What also surprises me the most is how there are STILL people using the "₤350 million for the NHS" reason. One man told me,
"Brexit saved the NHS, the EU wanted it sold off" but of course the fine silk that runs through it all is "immigration". It's their obsession.
What is clear is how many different versions of Brexit exist in the minds of these people. Some are angry that SM and CU access is going because of course they were told it would not happen. Others are full on "ship them all back" types who expected to see deportations on day 1.
The other factor is their absolute, determined intention to ignore any information that challenges their views. Anything that fails to fit their viewpoint is,

"fake news" and "deep state involvement"

It's like a cult.
As others have said in the comments, the defining language is around one word, 'belief'

The belief they know best, the belief the EU is always wrong, the belief they will get all they want.

I found it sad how they need to believe so much, without it their lives mean nothing.
I have decided to have some fun with the Brexit nutjobs.

Stay tuned.
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